2016 — The Year of Affirmation!


I have been missing for a while, but with good cause!

I have been busy working on a new project for the upcoming year.  Several months ago, I was looking for a way to encourage women on a daily basis and the word “affirm” kept rolling around in my head.  I kept asking myself how I might be able to affirm women on a daily basis, but in a way that would keep it short and simple.  That’s when the calendar idea came to me.  Most of us look at some sort of calendar on a daily basis, so I thought this would be the perfect venue to get a message of affirmation across.

But then came the questions.  I have never produced a calendar before, how do I start?  What pictures would I use?  What messages would I give?  Then entered doubt with fear not too far behind.  Is that really a good idea?  Who would purchase it?  Would people be encouraged by it?  But no matter what questions surfaced and how often, I was determined to make it happen!  Once I set my mind to it, the answers began to appear.  I decided that I would not make this just “my” project, but I figured it would be more meaningful if I got a group of women together to tell their stories.  I reached out to a photographer who had recently done some promotional photos for me.  He agreed to help me and introduced me to a wonderful makeup artist that he works closely with.

Ok, so I have a concept, a photographer, and a makeup artist.  Now all I need are women, women with stories to be told.  Not sure where to find them, I stepped out on faith and put out a call on Facebook.  Yep, Facebook!  Within a couple of hours, the slots were filled.  Who would have thought?  Authors, coaches, speakers, entrepreneurs, a vocalist, and a breast cancer survivor; I would not have been able to put together a more dynamic group if I had tried to hand-pick them myself.  It was such a divine orchestration that one of the participants, a domestic violence survivor and advocate, contacted me all the way from California asking how she might participate.  The photo shoots were taking place in Birmingham, AL and I was at a loss.  She told me to hold her slot for a few weeks while she worked out a plan.  During that period of time, her husband was relocated to upstate NY and during their move across the country, she stopped overnight in Birmingham, AL to participate.  When it was all said and done, I had the fortunate pleasure to host the grand launch on Saturday, December 5, 2015!

I invite you order your copy and see what these women have to say!  Be affirmed throughout 2016 but even more than that, learn from my process– understanding that we don’t need to see the whole process when it comes to our goals and dreams, we just need to put the negative thinking behind us and simply begin!

Visit www.realbeautyatoz.com to order.

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