Tag Archive | destiny

2015 – New Year’s Shift

2012 Fiat 500 Abarth

This New Year’s Eve, I made a declaration!  I declared that 2015 would be the year of the “tion” (pronounced ‘shun’) As in:

Dedication, revelation, justification, collaboration, expectation, acceleration, motivation, perspiration, determination, relaxation, elevation, generation, optimization, realization, diversification, MANIFESTATION, world-domination, gratification!

As the New Year was about to unfold, I was sensing a shift.  Not just a hopeful thought that I would accidentally happen upon a few good opportunities, but I was sensing a significant shift in my future.  2015 would find me stepping out of my comfort zone and stepping into my purpose!  However, as I was about the make the declaration, the “tion” words started to pop into my head.  One after another, they just kept on coming.  This was a reminder that I would have a part to play.  Great things seldom just drop into our laps, and even though God plants people along our paths to get us to that expected end, we still have to walk it out.  The is no magic wand to tap you on the shoulder; no fairy dust to be sprinkled over your head, no laying on of hands that just places it all at your feet—you have to possess great faith, put in some action, and believe that it will happen.

I not only believe that this declaration is for me, but I also believe that it speaks to some of you as well!  Over the next few months, I will be taking time to expand on each of these words—to help you understand how important of a role they play in helping you get to that next level.  I will also be sharing with you how they are impacting my life as well.

So, now for the first part of the shift.  While I have enjoyed maintaining this blog for a little over a year, it’s time to change it up a little.  My messages, especially with what I am about to do, need to be a bit more targeted.  Instead of posting here, I am going to be emailing these messages directly to you via my Newsletter.

If you are interested in receiving them, just sign up by clicking this link.  I promise not to bombard you with unnecessary email, but I think this will give me a more personal format on which to interact with you.

Please, spread the word on where to find me over the next few months and I look forward to serving you very soon!

May 2015 pour out abundant blessings and success, so much so, that you don’t have room to contain it!

Don’t forget:  Sign Up Here!

Coincidence or What?

If you have followed my last few posts, you saw that I was following a program called the 40 Day Soul Fast by Cindy Trimm. The program is Biblically based and designed to help you to discover your authentic self and impact your world for good. I mentioned that I plan to revisit the program again in the near future. Well today I received an interesting email. Understand that all of this is transpiring after my attempt at self-discovery.

About a month ago, I signed up to receive these awesome inspirational messages from a guy named Neil Vermillion. You may have heard of him, but if not, I will share his contact information at the end. I am sitting at my desk, eating lunch, and this is what I read. (Neal has granted me permission to share)

Daily Prophetic – You Have Been Equipped To Accomplish Specific Tasks
May 8,2014 9:12 am
And as you continue to know me more and more, day by day, week by week, you will also grow in greater perspective of yourself. I will show you who you are, and how I see you. Your own personal identity will be revealed to you, and yes, you will see yourself more fully, more clearly, more accurately. For though you know you, you don’t fully know you. You don’t fully know all about you the way I know all about you.

And while this may surprise you, it will also delight you. For there are hidden things within you I want to reveal to you. There are hidden treasures, hidden potentials I have put deep within you that are not easy to find. They are not easy to see, but I see them. And I will reveal my special plans for you in our times together.

And now is a time of understanding your destiny – your individual destiny. I have specific plans, and specific purposes for you in very detailed ways. For you have been created with great purpose, and you have been equipped to accomplish specific tasks. And it is my good pleasure to reveal these to you in due season. It is my good pleasure to unveil the beauty I’ve hidden within you, even hidden from yourself at times.

And as you come away with me, and listen to my soft, nearly silent voice, I will speak to your heart and awaken plans for destiny. I will activate the purposes within you. And you will arise and behold the glory hidden in you that will only be fully revealed through me, through knowing me, through following me, and through saying yes to my plans.

And you will walk in greater confidence and will not fear. You will not fear the things of your past, nor the threats of the future. For your understanding of how we will work together will be unforgettable. It will be impossible for you to continue to walk in doubt. It will be undeniable. For I will show you so clearly that you will forget your fears and forget your doubts. You will no longer hesitate.

And in all these things, it will be built on the confidence in me. It will be built on knowing these are my plans for you, these are my plans for your individual destiny. These are not plans built on human reasoning, nor human logic, nor human emotion, nor circumstances, nor chance. These are plans I’ve laid out for you, for you to succeed and to show myself strong on you behalf. And I will show myself in my glory through the mighty exploits we will do together.

For these plans are beautiful. These plans are glorious. You will eat and be satisfied – yes even more satisfied than you ever thought you could be.

I don’t believe this communication was just a coincidence, I believe that I am about to embark on a journey of a lifetime! My plans are to continue to blog about Real Beauty, but I do believe there will be some awesome insights sprinkled in. Stay tuned!

You can connect with Neil at: http://www.neilvermillion.com/connect/ -or-

Week 4 & 5 (40 Days to a New Authentic Me!)

Still journeying through the 40 Day Soul Fast by Cindy Trimm.

If you are not familiar with it, I would suggest you investigate.  Even after I complete the entire program, I intend to cycle through once more just to ensure I have absorbed every single point.  I have combined both weeks four and five as they tend to compliment each other in the area of: thought.  There is so much to glean in each chapter that it is actually difficult to express just one or two thoughts.  With us living such busy lives these days, I am sure you would not be interested in my rantings on each and every point, but somehow “focus” seems appropriate at this moment in time.

I have read and even understand that we can never rise above the thoughts that we think.  But somehow seeing it this time, I was able to see it in a different light and grasp a deeper meaning.  It’s all a matter of focus!  She writes:  ” wherever you place your focus–your mind, talents, abilities, and emotions will follow.”  How true is that?  I thought about one of the worst days I have had.  I was actually able to trace it all the way back to waking that morning.  My focus was on a negative situation and those thoughts followed me throughout the day–as a result, the entire day was negative, and needless to say, unproductive.  She goes on to say that:  “you must continually choose to focus on your prospective future as opposed to your current position.”  Did you catch it?  We have to continually CHOOSE where we apply our focus.  Just to keep it at a high level; when I enter my office during the day I am often bombarded with a myriad of tasks to perform.  I have learned to use a “to do” list and accomplishing at least one half of those tasks, before the day is over, becomes my focus.  From that point on, it becomes my job to do what is necessary in order to get it done.  Some days that may include eating at my desk, coming in a little earlier or leaving a little later.  My mind, talents, abilities, and emotions are now in sync and what a great feeling it is to have accomplished what I set out to do.

While that is an elementary example, the book delves into much deeper realms like purpose and destiny, but the same methods apply.  In order to reach our true potential, we have got to make our dream our focus!  No more spending unproductive time on my current position.  I’m ready to start working on a glorious future!

About to begin the next chapter and it deals with our words… I’m intrigued already…