Tag Archive | wisdom

Advancing In Age

I was recently given the opportunity to “Guest Post” on another blog (Renew Refresh Reset Your Life) and I just realized that I may not have shared it with the readers here. These are my thoughts on aging…I would love to know what you think about getting older!

“I tend to be one of those people who will sit quietly taking note of my surroundings, and then spend days meditating on it.  My brain seems to take on a life of its own and will exhaust any conceivable concept related to that subject, sometimes to the point of physical exhaustion for me.   Actually, I think I just never outgrew the “why” stage of my childhood, and learned to ask the questions to myself instead of out loud.  Just a few years ago, I discovered that writing gave me that freedom of release and provided a way to clear my thoughts, just in time for the next adventure.  

Here lately, on more than three occasions, I have taken note of advertisements for procedures around anti-aging.  The processes claim to be a low-risk way to reverse the signs of aging, but in the grand scheme of things, is that even truly possible? Is it truly a reversal, or just a slight delay? What’s so wrong with aging?  Did I mention that I never outgrew that “why” phase?  Maybe here is a chance to Renew, Refresh, and Reset our thinking when it comes to aging? Aging is not always about what you lose, sometimes it’s a matter of discovering what you’ve gained.

I personally see aging as a positive thing, a blessing.  Aging signifies maturity, growth, and advancement. Anything that does not grow has no life, it becomes stagnant.  On the other hand, anything that continues to grow but does not somehow change is, well—I’m really not sure what that is.  For some, it may be difficult to see yourself advancing in years, but you have to remember, you are still who you are.  A line or a wrinkle on my face does not alter me; my spirit, which is the real me.  You can’t even see the real me, what you see is just a shell. The real me, is what gives life to that shell.  Sure, my “shell” does not look like it did when it was twenty, but I am perfectly ok with that.  When I was twenty, I had not had the experiences, nor was I even remotely prepared for the experiences that I have had when I was in my thirties and forties.  I did not know the concern for a child in pain, a parent in surgery, or the struggles that come with a job that goes away.  I did not know the joys of becoming a mother for the first time or having someone to love you unconditionally.  I had not communed with as many elders to understand the joys and struggles that come with making the world a better place.  That’s life, and sometimes life tends to show on our faces.  Each face has a story to tell, and oh what a beautiful story it is!  

Imagine all the delightful experiences you would have missed if you were forever young. You may be able to erase a line or two, here and there, but the true essence of who you are should never be hidden.  As long as I have breath in my body, I have the opportunity to live life to the fullest!  The time I could take to inventory every line or crease around my eyes, is the time I choose to use in reflection and thanksgiving for the maturity, growth, and advancements in life that I have been given.”

Designed For A Purpose!

Dear Daughter,

If you’re reading this letter you’re probably in a place in your life where you are trying to discover who you are, why you are here, or your purpose in life.   Although this letter will not sum up life in one letter,  I would like to share some wisdom that you may find helpful along the way.

If you’re wondering “Who am I”? You are in a good place. Your true identity is only found in Christ. Colossians 3:3 (KJV) tells us that”Your life is hid with Christ in God”.  This very foundation will help guide you no matter what you face in this journey called “ Life”.  After you have identified who you are in Christ you will not allow anything  (bullying, peer pressure, and negative environments) or anyone (friends, boyfriends, or media) to detour who God created you to be.  That cute smile that you have and nose that you want to change is unique and beautiful, just the way God created it.

Psalms 139: 14 (KJV) says “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well”.  Everyone may not agree with who you are, but God made you just the way you are.  Along with discovering your identity, you will begin to discover your purpose. That funny sense of humor that you have and that you try to hide…..Yes God made it…and  it might be exactly what someone needs that is having a bad day. You were put here on earth for a purpose. In Jeremiah 1: 5 (NLT) it says “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart…” In other words you were created for a purpose. That purpose may be to write and help encourage others through books and films, singing and writing music, or a Pastor who helps others become what  God created them to be. Whatever your ability may be,  know that you were designed for a purpose.

No, the journey in life won’t be easy. You live in a society that has its own standards of beauty and reality, and might not appreciate your small frame, curves, full-figured lips, skin color, slanted eyes or joyful personality.  But once you have discovered your own uniqueness inside yourself, it doesn’t matter what a bully has to say; the smooth lines a young gentleman may try to give, or jokes that people may make about your body parts.  When you begin to love the person God made you to be and understand why you’re created,  you will begin to walk in your purpose and become the Woman of God you were designed to be!

Love Always,

Jamelle N. McMurray

“You were designed for a purpose “


Submitted by Jamelle N. McMurray, Tuscaloosa, AL

Jamelle is a freelance writer who serves alongside her husband, Allen McMurray, who is the Senior lead pastor of the “The Lamp” (Coming Soon!!!!) They have 2 children and currently reside in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

You can follow Jamelle  on Twitter: @1rarebutterfly, or, your can follow her blog  here>>>.

New Beginning (Part 3 of 4)



By now, you should have established a routine for your confessions.  I would love to hear how it’s going!

Here is set three:

13.  I have pride in my past performance and a positive expectancy of the future.

14.  I accept compliments easily and share my successes with others who have contributed to them.

15.  I feel warm and loving toward myself, for I am a unique and precious being, ever doing the best my awareness permits, ever-growing in wisdom and love.

16.  I am actively in charge of my life and direct it in constructive channels.  My primary responsibility is for my own growth and well-being (the better I feel about myself, the more willing and able I am to help others).

17.  I am my own authority and I am not affected by negative opinions or attitudes of others.

18.  It is not what happens to me, but how I handle it, that determines my emotional well-being.

One more set to come…