Designed For A Purpose!

Dear Daughter,

If you’re reading this letter you’re probably in a place in your life where you are trying to discover who you are, why you are here, or your purpose in life.   Although this letter will not sum up life in one letter,  I would like to share some wisdom that you may find helpful along the way.

If you’re wondering “Who am I”? You are in a good place. Your true identity is only found in Christ. Colossians 3:3 (KJV) tells us that”Your life is hid with Christ in God”.  This very foundation will help guide you no matter what you face in this journey called “ Life”.  After you have identified who you are in Christ you will not allow anything  (bullying, peer pressure, and negative environments) or anyone (friends, boyfriends, or media) to detour who God created you to be.  That cute smile that you have and nose that you want to change is unique and beautiful, just the way God created it.

Psalms 139: 14 (KJV) says “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well”.  Everyone may not agree with who you are, but God made you just the way you are.  Along with discovering your identity, you will begin to discover your purpose. That funny sense of humor that you have and that you try to hide…..Yes God made it…and  it might be exactly what someone needs that is having a bad day. You were put here on earth for a purpose. In Jeremiah 1: 5 (NLT) it says “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart…” In other words you were created for a purpose. That purpose may be to write and help encourage others through books and films, singing and writing music, or a Pastor who helps others become what  God created them to be. Whatever your ability may be,  know that you were designed for a purpose.

No, the journey in life won’t be easy. You live in a society that has its own standards of beauty and reality, and might not appreciate your small frame, curves, full-figured lips, skin color, slanted eyes or joyful personality.  But once you have discovered your own uniqueness inside yourself, it doesn’t matter what a bully has to say; the smooth lines a young gentleman may try to give, or jokes that people may make about your body parts.  When you begin to love the person God made you to be and understand why you’re created,  you will begin to walk in your purpose and become the Woman of God you were designed to be!

Love Always,

Jamelle N. McMurray

“You were designed for a purpose “


Submitted by Jamelle N. McMurray, Tuscaloosa, AL

Jamelle is a freelance writer who serves alongside her husband, Allen McMurray, who is the Senior lead pastor of the “The Lamp” (Coming Soon!!!!) They have 2 children and currently reside in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

You can follow Jamelle  on Twitter: @1rarebutterfly, or, your can follow her blog  here>>>.

3 thoughts on “Designed For A Purpose!

  1. Jamelle, I met you Saturday and it was such a pleasure. You are kind and beautiful. I appreciate having met you. Thank you for sharing this with me that day and I am glad that I found it to re-read it in the peace of today. See you soon.


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